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If Today Was A Kind Of Bread....

I'll let you in on a little secret....the title has little or nothing to do with this post. I used it because I recently saw it on a meme or heard it on a show that I can't remember the name of. I think the meme or show's intention was to make fun of millennials. I'm not making fun of millennials by using it here. I'm also not, not making fun of millennials by using it here. I'm just using it. Much like the rest of my life...I don't really know why.

I use '...' because I don't know what the right punctuation is. I long for a sarcastic font and tend to overuse exclamation points because...well...I live my life in exclamation points!!!!!! I had a blog years ago. I was a traveler. I've been to countless cities in countless countries. I used to wear that title like a cape. I was proud of it and envied for it. I'm still a traveler but I no longer travel. I think that's the saddest thing I've ever said. I hate people that talk about how they cant leave their life to travel. I want to sceream at them to just do it!! Its what I did. I quit my life and I traveled for 3 years. It was heaven, it was hell, it was amazing and terrible and phenomenal and awful and I loved every single second of it. Edit: except when I didn't. But, I don't travel anymore. I still update my Facebook cover photo with pictures from 4 years ago an pretend that its from now. I don't put up maps in my home because it only serves to make me grieve for the life I used to have.That's all I have for now.

What? You thought this was gonna be a happy and encouraging post? Maybe next time. For now, I've only had 1 glass of wine. But don't fret....I have plenty of those happy positive days too. Those are almost as fun as these kind of days.
